Countdown has Begun

There are only a few days left in this, my first, semester of PhD work. In a way I’m grateful that the end of the semester is in sight. But mostly I just wish I had a few more days here to work on the last papers due.

There are only four days left to complete and turn in one paper, and 7 days left for the other. And in that time I also have life that doesn’t stop going on. I have a dentist appointment, one more class, a department lecture, a holiday luncheon, and my son’s college graduation between now and those two deadlines. By the way, those weren’t listed in order of importance, but chronologically.  🙂  Love you, son!  Plus the usual sleeping, eating, and pooing that needs to happen.

I truly miss the days (years, really) when I could go for 48 hours without sleep. But at this age, that just ain’t happening.

“So what are you doing online writing on a blog?” you ask.

Well it’s like this. Brain works…………………… and works……………………………………………………. and works……………………………………………………………………… on one thing for only so long.

Then it gets tired……..  and sleepy……………………….. and bleary……………………………………………………….

and starts making boo-boos………. then brain-farts……………………….. then MISTAKES…………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………..that it DOESN’T catch…………………………………

and I just have to stop doing that thing for a while.

I’m going to go home now, as it is getting late in the evening, and try to get a good night’s sleep so I can hit it hard in the morning.

Plus, I’m tired of reading about what OTHER PEOPLE have written about my area of interest. I just want to say what I think. But somehow my professors don’t support that methodology. They want real live literature reviews. They want my hypothesis firmly grounded in THE LITERATURE, for heaven’s sake.

Really, it’s time to stop. Like now, before I get cynical.

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