Smooching ;)

My darling and I have never had a lot of time to spend with each other. We have been on opposite work shifts from the beginning of our relationship. So we’ve learned to make our time together count, whenever and wherever we can find it. Since I’ve started back to school, we see each other even less than usual. But this morning we got a rare treat.

I stopped at HEB after dropping son off at school to buy something to clip up my unruly hair. As soon as I returned to my car, my phone rang.  It was hubby. “Is that you I see in the HEB parking lot?” he asks me. “Why yes it is.”

So he moseys his way over, and hops in with me. And there we sat, us old married folk in the HEB parking lot, making out like two teenagers at the drive-in.  And he whispers in my ear, “Hey, don’t tell my wife I’ve been sleeping with a college girl!”

Life is pretty good today.

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