Thanksgiving as a grown up grad student

It was nice. It really was.

My husband and son and I went to see my dad, who lives about 3 hours away. Older son had to work, so he didn’t get to come. Younger son [who has a learner’s permit] drove there, while my husband supervised. I sat in the very back of the van, with my headphones on, listening to jazz and reading journal articles.  When we got to Dad’s house, I spent some time showing him the stats for my project. He was duly impressed. Remember, I’m a Daddy’s Girl and need that approval. Then we talked about the classes he’s teaching and the general horrific state of education in the nation for the past several decades. This is one of our favorite topics. Dad beat me at a game of cards. Husband got to watch some football. Son got to chill with games on the iPad. Then my nephew and his family came over for the big meal. They are truly fun to be around. We laughed. I played with their little ones. When they left, I played with Dad’s cats while we visited some more. Then we went home. Husband drove with the earphones on listening to his favorite podcast. Son slept in the back, and me? I read some more journal articles.

Best news: The profs have been saying to find an article that we really like and use that as a pattern for our papers. I FOUND THE ONE !!!! Yeah ME!

Next day, older son and his fiance came over. We had a great time. The boys did boy stuff. Us girls visited about our classes and lives and such. We ate. We watched a very bizarre movie. We played hide and seek with son’s glasses. I won! After they left, young son, husband and I binge watched Netflix until nearly 2 a.m. I did nothing academic.

But today I am up at school. Ready to hit it hard again. I feel rested. I feel smart, and dog-gone-it, I like myself today!

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